Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Holiday Road Trip Travel Tips to Ease Your Mind

It’s that time of year again where the holiday season suddenly creeps up on us. The roads will be crowded and you have to decide which family you will be spending the holidays with and how you will get there. If you’ll be hitting the roads this holiday season, here are some holiday road trip travel tips that will be helpful in making your travels easy and stress-free.

Map Out Your Route and Plan Accordingly.
If you haven’t made this trip before you won’t know how long it will take to get there. Before your departure, make sure you enter your destination into your GPS and determine how long it will take to get there so you can plan your trip accordingly. Make sure to schedule extra time on your trip and take into account that traffic and inclement weather conditions can delay your drive. It would also be a good idea to bring a paper map in case your GPS malfunctions and there is no service in the area you are driving in.

Don’t Travel on Peak Days if You Don’t Have To.
The roads will be crowded during the holidays, making traveling on peak days is the worst! The day before Thanksgiving and the Sunday after is the worst time to travel because this is when everyone plans their drive. Adjusting your travel schedule by even a day or extremely early in the morning can help tremendously.

Car Inspection
We already know you’ll check your car to make sure it’s good to be on the road, but we’ll remind you again anyway. Be sure to check your tires, oil, fluids, and that everything is in working order. In case something happens while you are on the road, make sure you have the road assistance number handy and any documents that you will need.

Car Safety
Being safe is extremely important wherever you go. Make sure everyone has their seatbelts on at all times. In addition to seatbelts, everyone plays a role in keeping all passengers safe. The driver has the responsibility of getting their passengers to and from their destination so they should be alert and cautious of the road and their surroundings. Passengers can also help by not distracting the driver and helping whenever needed.

Traveling during the holidays isn’t something you have to dread. By following these holiday road travel tips, you are saving yourself from the headache of being unprepared. If you have any other travel tips, share them in the comments below. If you’re looking for a new vehicle for your holiday plans, we have a huge selection of vehicles to choose from. Our team is here to help you find the perfect vehicle and get you ready for your holiday travels.

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